"I have never experienced anything in my life
which has saddened me more
than this site. You and the links you have established must represent
the most boring, no life, no hobbies, potentially suicidal human beings
on the planet. Take a little time, discourse with one another and try
very hard to derive some purpose for your existence on the web. Perhaps,
in time, with effort, love and mutual understanding you can collectively
arrive at a subject about which you can offer, discuss, display etc.
I wish you the best of luck."
This award came from Amerisites (who?), loved and respected for over 12 years!
And they love and respect me.
This happened Somewhere between 1996 and 1998; The top 5% of the web was a lot smaller
back then.
I lost the icons for these last two awards, they were pleasingly odd-looking too.
Tres Bizarre
Burning the Bacon with Barret